Here are the slides and example code from Marianna’s Intro to Shiny this week
slides: Google Slides
code: github
Here are the slides and example code from Marianna’s Intro to Shiny this week
slides: Google Slides
code: github
Thanks Meredith for the great talk about tidyverse, being thoughtful about your code organization, and of course the rats of Somerville. View the talk materials (slides & code) here:
Hey all! Please enjoy the slides from Abi’s great, diagram-rich intro to some practical baby steps in git:
Mara has kindly provided us with the slides from her talk:
Alex Albright of The Little Dataset That Could gave a fun, expansive talk last night about dreaming up data visualization “stories”. She was generous enough to share her slides with us here.
Phoebe Wong gave an awesome tutorial on the purrr package yesterday at RLadies Boston, here’s the link to her github where you can work through the tutorial yourself:
With generous help from others, I have identified three datasets which may appear at R-Ladies Boston’s OktobRfest (format TBD).
Please send other suggestions (@RLadiesBoston), and feel free to pass these along! I’m also taking suggestions for bars in Boston with projectors to show Shiny Dashboards on ;)