We're Relaunching the R-Ladies Abstract Review System!

Supporting Aspiring Speakers in the R Community!
Volunteer as an R-Ladies Abstract Reviewer!

Volunteer as an R-Ladies Abstract Reviewer to support diversity in tech!
Welcome to the Global Team

R-Ladies Global Team has 15 new members!
R-Ladies & Posit Cloud
R-Ladies now has a Posit Cloud account available for R-Ladies meet-ups.
Mastodon: Meet the R-Ladies!

R-Ladies are on mastodon’s Hackyderm server! Follow us at!
R-Ladies Global and R-Ladies Chicago Reception at Posit Conf

Photo captured at the conclusion of the Question and Answer session of the reception. Alt text: R-Ladies community members gathered in a room of the Hyatt in Chicago, with rows of individuals standing, kneeling, and sitting.
Actions to increase diversity in the R-Ladies São Paulo community

Introduction The R-Ladies is a global organization that promotes gender diversity in the R community. R-Ladies São Paulo is proudly a chapter of R-Ladies Global, promoting gender diversity in the R community in São Paulo, Brazil.
Curating for @WeAreRLadies on Twitter

This post was originally published on Shannon Pileggi’s personal blog.
TL; DR In February 2021 I tweeted to a daunting >20k followers by curating for @WeAreLadies on Twitter. This was great opportunity to share knowledge, interact with others, and learn something in return, ultimately cultivating new connections and collaborations.
The R-Ladies Mentoring Program: R-Ladies Cotonou journey

We are very happy to provide you this blog article in different languages, English, French and Spanish. If you would like to know more about how to contribute to the R-Ladies Blog in general or would like to recommend anything, please reach out to us with an e-mail at christin@rladies.
Reduced Service Mode for R-Ladies Global
This year has been and continues to be a challenging year for many, if not all, of us.
We have needed to make some adjustments in our personal lives and as R-Ladies is a volunteer run organisation we also needed to make some changes in the work we do at R-Ladies Global.