News from the Global Team

New R-Ladies Website

We are thrilled to announce the release of our new R-Ladies website!

It’s been a long journey, with many people involved, and we are happy to be able to finally share with you this new site and some new content.

Global Leadership Team Transition

R-Ladies first began as a meet-up in 2012, and became a global organization in 2016. Since inception, the R-Ladies Global organization has been run on 100% volunteer effort from individuals and chapters throughout the world.

Request for Proposal - Javascript Development (Contract Work)

The R-Ladies global organization wants to implement some new functionalities (using Javascript) for a re-implementation of their website, whose source code may be found on GitHub.

R-Ladies would like to invite you to prepare a proposal to accomplish the above task that includes timeline, cost, and deliverables. The following RFP includes a background of our organization and describes the purpose of the redesign, its desired functionality, and specific requests relating to the proposal. We understand that details may be subject to change upon vendor recommendation and/ or research of more optimal solutions. In your proposal, please feel free to suggest alternatives where noted.

Reduced Service Mode for R-Ladies Global

This year has been and continues to be a challenging year for many, if not all, of us. We have needed to make some adjustments in our personal lives and as R-Ladies is a volunteer run organisation we also needed to make some changes in the work we do at R-Ladies Global.

R-Ladies Global's disapproval of DataCamp

This blog post is a slightly extended version of the official statement the R-Ladies Global organization made via Twitter, in a form that is easier to share. The views expressed here are the views of the R-Ladies Global Team signing at the end of this post and do not represent the R-Ladies community at large.