Erin LeDell. Author.
Olga Mierzwa-Sulima. Author.
Lucy D'Agostino McGowan. Author.
Claudia Vitolo. Author.
Gabriela De Queiroz. Contributor.
Michael Beigelmacher. Contributor.
Augustina Ragwitz. Contributor.
Greg Sutcliffe. Contributor.
Rick Pack. Contributor.
Ben Ubah. Contributor.
Mowinckel A, LeDell E, Mierzwa-Sulima O, D'Agostino McGowan L, Vitolo C (2022). meetupr: Meetup R API. R package version
@Manual{, title = {meetupr: Meetup R API}, author = {Athanasia Mo Mowinckel and Erin LeDell and Olga Mierzwa-Sulima and Lucy {D'Agostino McGowan} and Claudia Vitolo}, year = {2022}, note = {R package version}, }