
R-Ladies+ Feat. useR! 2021

In this post, you will see that we have used the R-Ladies logo with the colors of the rainbow and the trans flags. We have also added a + to the R-Ladies name.

Curating for @WeAreRLadies on Twitter

This post was originally published on Shannon Pileggi’s personal blog. TL; DR In February 2021 I tweeted to a daunting >20k followers by curating for @WeAreLadies on Twitter. This was great opportunity to share knowledge, interact with others, and learn something in return, ultimately cultivating new connections and collaborations.

The R-Ladies Mentoring Program: R-Ladies Cotonou journey

We are very happy to provide you this blog article in different languages, English, French and Spanish. If you would like to know more about how to contribute to the R-Ladies Blog in general or would like to recommend anything, please reach out to us with an e-mail at christin@rladies.

Reduced Service Mode for R-Ladies Global

This year has been and continues to be a challenging year for many, if not all, of us. We have needed to make some adjustments in our personal lives and as R-Ladies is a volunteer run organisation we also needed to make some changes in the work we do at R-Ladies Global.

R-Ladies Infrastructure for Online Meetups

Our chapters have cancelled in-person meetups due to the corona virus pandemic. However, we want our members to be able to stay connected and still share their latest R-related discoveries and journeys.

Recipe for a year-end video

To close the awesome R-Ladies 2019 year we made a video, if you haven’t seen it yet, here it is: Did you like it? Do you want to know how we did it?

R-Ladies Global's disapproval of DataCamp

This blog post is a slightly extended version of the official statement the R-Ladies Global organization made via Twitter, in a form that is easier to share. The views expressed here are the views of the R-Ladies Global Team signing at the end of this post and do not represent the R-Ladies community at large.