Introduction to reproducibility

Julia Romanowska



  • Overview of the book
  • Structure of the meetings
  • What is reproducibility?
  • Why do we need reproducibility?
  • Project start (based on chapter 3)

Overview of the book

Part 1:

  • version control
  • literate programming
  • functional programming

Part 2:

  • freezing versions
  • packaging code
  • testing
  • automation
  • encapsulation

Structure of the meetings

Proposed structure:

  • short presentation
  • exercises/hands-on/live coding
  • discussion

We need your participation!

Before we start…

What is reproducibility?


  • analysis steps
  • inputs, outputs
  • documentation: data + code
  • code used to generate each figure
  • notes
  • versions of software, packages, etc.

Why do we need reproducibility?



  • R is not RStudio
  • text file vs. binary file
  • R packages - installation and use
  • variables/data in the environment (memory)
  • file location, relative and absolute paths
  • file extension

Project start

Analysis of data: Housing in Luxembourg

  • data: prices of housing in Luxembourg,
    nominal prices,
    per commune,
    trapped in Excel

  • write scripts:
    rescue data from Excel,
    convert to real prices,
    make some plots/tables


Your project is not done

  • How easy would it be for someone else to rerun the analysis?
  • How easy would it be to update the analysis once new data gets published?
  • How easy would it be to reuse this code for other projects?
  • What guarantee do we have that if the scripts get run in 5 years, with the same input data, we get the same output?

Photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash

Photo by Dewang Gupta on Unsplash